3 Times You Might Need To Call For Emergency Ice Delivery


Ice is a party essential. Most people can run to the corner store for a bag of ice should they run out, but event planners and people working in the hospitality industry can face a serious problem in the face of an ice shortage.

In situations where you may be short on time and need access to a large quantity of ice, working directly with an ice company to secure a delivery of bagged ice is your best option. Here are a few scenarios where emergency ice delivery might be a real lifesaver.

1. Your Ice Machine Breaks

Bars, restaurants, and hotels typically rely on an ice machine to produce the ice they need to serve their guests. When this ice machine breaks, ice reserves can quickly be depleted. No matter how quickly you contact a repair specialist to find and fix the problem with your ice machine, you will need to find an alternate source of ice for your facility.

An ice company can bring you bags of ice to meet your immediate needs. As long as your ice machine is out of service, you can schedule emergency ice deliveries to meet your service needs.

2. You Didn't Buy Enough Ice

Event planners and hospitality professionals often use ice calculators to help them determine how much bagged ice will be needed for a given event. Unfortunately, ice calculators don't take into account environmental conditions that might affect ice usage.

If your event occurs during a particularly hot day, your guests may consume more beverages than expected in an attempt to stay cool. Ice used to chill beer or other drinks can melt faster than you anticipated, leaving you with a shortage during your event.

An emergency ice delivery will give you access to the bagged ice you need to get through the remainder of your event.

3. Your Ice is Contaminated

Contaminated ice can throw a wrench into your preparations. Ice becomes contaminated for a variety of reasons. The machine used to produce the ice may have been in need of maintenance. The hands bagging the ice may have been unclean. It's even possible that an impure water source was used as the base for the ice.

Regardless of the source of contamination, you cannot serve this ice to your guests. Contacting an ice delivery service will help you access replacement ice cubes quickly so that contaminated ice doesn't derail your event.


13 April 2020

The Importance And Value Of Food Services

Hello, my name is Kate Greene, and this is my blog about food services. I'm a mother to four children, and keeping my family healthy is how I got interested in food services. When my children eat their lunch in the school cafeteria and when the whole family eats out at a restaurant, we depend on food services. These companies allow individuals to make healthy food choices while eating away from home. Food service companies distribute truckloads of food products every day to various restaurants, schools, hospitals and cafeterias. Reading my blog will help you understand the value of this service and how it's so important to everyone who eats away from home.