How To Make Sure Your Employees Are Staying Healthy In The Workplace


When you own a company or manage a big team of people, you know just how important it is that they are always on their A-game. For instance, not only do you want to make sure that they have all of the work-related resources that they need, but you also want to make sure that they are happy and healthy as well. A lot of companies these days are pushing their employees to live healthier lives because it makes them better workers. From drinking more water to getting active, this article will list thee specific things that you can do to encourage your employees to live a healthier lifestyle. Ready to learn some more? If so, then read on. 

Drink More Water

Drinking more water throughout the day will help your employees feel less fatigued, experience less headaches, and just feel healthier overall. To encourage your employees to drink more water, consider getting a water delivery service, such as Dean's Waterservice Inc. Water delivery services will deliver large jugs of filtered water to your office every couple of days or as needed. Then, you just hook these jugs up to the water dispenser which will give your employees cold, filtered, and purified water. 

Another fun way to encourage your employees to drink more water is to gift them reusable water bottles with your company's name and logo on it. 

Quit Smoking

If you have employees that spend more of their break time smoking than anything, it may be time to encourage them to stop smoking. Because nicotine is so addictive, it can be hard of people to just stop cold turkey. To encourage them to give up cigarette smoke, consider hosting a competition to see who can go the longer without smoking, Also, try setting up support groups for people so that they feel like they have a group of people rallying behind them. 

Get Moving

Another great way to encourage your employees to be healthy is to help them get moving. Whether you offer them discounted gym passes, you set up a gym at your office, or you set up a company basketball team, there are some fun ways that you can get them to get healthier. Plus, they will usually get an incentive from their insurance if they work out on a regular basis. 

Having healthy employees isn't just good for them, but it's good for your business as well. Keep these things in mind to help them to live a better lifestyle. 


30 August 2019

The Importance And Value Of Food Services

Hello, my name is Kate Greene, and this is my blog about food services. I'm a mother to four children, and keeping my family healthy is how I got interested in food services. When my children eat their lunch in the school cafeteria and when the whole family eats out at a restaurant, we depend on food services. These companies allow individuals to make healthy food choices while eating away from home. Food service companies distribute truckloads of food products every day to various restaurants, schools, hospitals and cafeterias. Reading my blog will help you understand the value of this service and how it's so important to everyone who eats away from home.